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Crusher spare parts maintenance and repair

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With the continuous development of mining machinery and expansion in recent years , crusher manufacturers are constantly developing new technologies to a greater extent to meet the user 's requirements. High and low temperature will affect the low efficiency of the crusher when it working ? If it impact,how to solve ?
The best of the crusher to do a thorough examination during the winter , maintenance, engineering machinery to ensure safety for the winter , to avoid problems caused by the impact on production machines. Specific considerations in the winter maintenance of the crusher as follows:
Cleanliness crusher: cleaning the outer construction machine engine , chassis, the working device can play the role of cleaning detergent , the cleaning process can also be found in the device , leakage of oil and damage to parts of components for the next maintenance care to do the preliminary work . High-temperature high-pressure water gun is prohibited to flush the high water requirements of the site, especially electrical parts, to avoid damage .
Crusher spare parts and maintenance on :
1.the engine cooling system of sand production line maintenance checks thermostat working condition to prevent engine water temperature is too low or too high. Clear water jacket scale. To select a region below the minimum temperature of construction machinery use about 10 ℃, and with winter frost, summer, anti-boil , anti-corrosion , waterproof scale long-term antifreeze. Once a tank sediment deposition immediately clear .
2.maintenance and inspection of electrical equipment battery motor wiring . Check and adjust the electrolyte density. Care to start the motor , the generator charging voltage increases.Winter should always be to charge the battery , maintenance preheating device. attention to the maintenance of brake fluid brake system adequacy,broken quality is worse.Check the water separator,sewage discharge switch is working properly. Check the brake presence is weak,wandering,lack of intensity pedaling brake pedal and the brake does not return to the phenomenon of time to adjust .
Yifan Machinery is a Chinese professional crusher supplier. Tips: In the cold winter to maintenance work in a timely manner is here to wish you every success in the new year and good luck,all wishes come true!

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